
Fusion 3.1 Update

Das Update ist für jeden bei uns registrierten FUSION-Kunden möglich.

Der Preis für das Update beträgt 30 DM plus 8 DM Porto&Verpackung. Das Produkt ist seit der 15. Kalenderwoche verfügbar.

New Version 3.1

  • Fixed MonitorID gadget setting. The value was set and saved in the config file correctly, but not displayed after loading a new config or starting the emulation setup.
  • Added Store Buffer option to the CPU cache control window. This is an 060 only cache option.
  • Fixed a major problem with the emulated SCSI support. If you did not have an EMPLANT board installed (and selected for use by FUSION), you could not boot from any non-EMPLANT SCSI device. If you had an EMPLANT board installed (and selected as the hardware type), then you could boot from ANY SCSI device even if you did not have a drive connected to EMPLANT's SCSI port.
  • Fixed a problem with the Direct video drivers when an invalid monitor ID was given.
  • Added support for the floppy eject/insert icons for thousands and millions display modes. Also corrected placement problems when the screen's mod was not the same as its width.
  • Added new gadget 'Start Delay' to ADVANCED setup and renamed the gadget 'Iconify on startup' to 'Auto-Iconify'. The Start Delay checkbox defaults to ON (checked). Having this gadget checked will insert a 3 second delay before the startup sound. This gives you extra time to press (and HOLD) either SHIFT key to disable extensions. Having this gadget unchecked boots the MAC as normal, with no additional delay.
  • Fixed AmiDirectXL startup in 640x480 mode. The autoscroll flag was not being set correctly, so ECS machines would lose the bottom part of the display until you re-opened the mode in the Monitors control panel
  • Changed serial port code to open/close an AmigaDOS device only when the MAC actually opens/closes its serial port driver. This leaves the serial and parallel ports available for use by the Amiga when the MAC is not trying to access them.
  • Corrected ICP error message window size/position when shutting down (and a mounted MAC volume has an Amiga lock).
  • New 'mscd.device' driver that should recognize all CD-ROM discs.
  • Corrected sense_length problem that caused gvpscsi.device and omniscsi.device to not respond to direct SCSI calls.
  • Fixed serial/parallel device usage. Units other than 0 were being ignored.
  • Added anti-mouse trail code to Retina video driver. This was the only driver that did not have this code.
  • Added SuperScalar, Branch Cache, and Store/Load Bypass controls to the CPU Cache Control window (68060 only). Please note that we are no longer automatically shutting off the SuperScalar with any 060 system when OS8.x is detected. By default, the SuperScalar, Branch Cache, and Store/Load Bypass are shut off. We recommend that you leave these alone! There are MANY applications that will NOT work with any of these turned on, and loss of data may occur if you turn these on. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!
  • Fixed problems with OS8.1 working with the 68060.
  • Added File Type and Creator database. You can now add/edit, remove, sort, load, and save definitions for any file type and creator. This makes file transfers much easier since the correct file type and creator will be attached to the file as it is transferred (allowing the proper icon to appear on the Mac's desktop).
  • Added ability to delete the PRAMxxx.config file from inside the emulation setup (Configuration menu) before starting the emulation.
  • File transfers now use direct reads and writes when not in VIRTUAL mode. This dramatically increases the performance of file transfers.
  • Corrected possible problems with file transfer lock ups when using Intelligent or MacBinary transfer modes.
  • Added new features to DEVICES and VIDEO DRIVER selections:
    • You can now SHIFT-Click (hold the SHIFT key and click the mouse button) an entry in the LEFT window to view detailed information about the item.
    • You can now SHIFT-Click an entry in the RIGHT window to remove it from the list (in the DEVICES setup, the device name will be moved back to the LEFT window).
    • Removed the CLEAR SELECTED option from the DEVICES and VIDEO DRIVER setups. To remove entries, see above.
  • In the DEVICES setup, clicking on an entry in the RIGHT window now displays the device name, size, and the current hard drive format (Amiga, Macintosh, PC, etc.) This should help prevent 'accidents'. The device options are also immediately available instead of having to go one menu level deeper to access them, as in previous versions.
  • Added error message specifically for the built-in CD-ROM support. If there was a problem opening the controlling device driver, a standard "can't open AmigaDOS device" message was displayed, which is also displayed if there was a problem setting up any hard drive partition.
  • Added ability to select multiple monitor IDs so that two video boards using the same setup (Cybergraphics or Picasso96) can use both video boards at the same time.
  • Corrected a bug in the all video drivers that have video board blitter support. When a screen switch occured, the blitter was still active on the front most screen, which may not be the MAC's emulation screen if you have multiple screens on the video board.
  • New 'mshf.device' driver. This is the device driver that controls the hardfile access. This driver should NEVER be selected anywhere in the emulation configuration (it is used internally by FUSION). This new version no longer calculates the length of the file using the SEEK() method, so starting up the emulation is substantially quicker when using a hardfile as one of your devices.
  • Corrected problems with mshf.device when using hardfiles that are larger than 2gig in size. Please don't use hardfiles this big!
  • Corrected problems with formatting MAC partitions that are in or cross into the >2gig boundry.

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